E.E.A.T. by Google: Proven Ways to Demonstrate First-Hand Experience

Google has added an extra E to the concept of E.A.T. (E.E.A.T.) by publishing the Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines. This move emphasizes the importance of offering a first-hand experience to readers and searchers, while on the other hand, it also encourages content creators to provide original experiences.

Now, serving a first-hand experience to the readers has become a cornerstone of search engine ranking, as stated by Google.

A recent update to the Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines addresses the importance of demonstrating first-hand experience. Before Google’s edition, it was just E.A.T. By enhancing user experience and providing more value, the Google Quality Rater team added an extra ‘E’ for ‘Experience’ to the concept of E.A.T.

Firstly, let’s understand the concept of E.A.T. and its impact on search engine ranking.

What Does E.A.T. Stand for, and What is its Definition?

In 2014, Google introduced guidelines called E.A.T. to validate content for uniqueness, assessing it based on three crucial factors.

E.A.T. stands for ‘Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.’ These are the three crucial factors Google implements in measuring the content of a search engine to provide users with the best results. Every year, Google updates the Search Quality Rater Guidelines.

In 2022, Google made an update by adding an extra ‘E’ before the original E.A.T. Let’s get clarity on E.E.A.T.

E.A.T. Conversion into E.E.A.T.

To enhance the concept and improve the quality of the evaluation process, Google’s Quality Rater team has added one more ‘E’ to the concept. To offer users with relevant results that are crafted with real-world experience.

According to the Google Search Rater Guidelines, “Experience” denotes the level of experience at which content should be provided. For instance, using a product in real life, going to a specific location, or talking about it.

How Google Will Understand the Experience

Experience in Double-E.A.T. indicates firsthand experience or life experience with the topic. Thus, from now on, Google will consider content that is based on experience as its top priority for experience.

  • For a travel blog about hiking the Appalachian Trail, the author should have hiked at least a portion of it.

  • When reviewing a new video game, the author should have played it extensively to provide an informed opinion.

  • In a tutorial on mastering a musical instrument, the author should be proficient in playing that instrument.

  • For an article on home renovation tips, the author should have personal experience renovating their own home.

  • When discussing fitness and nutrition advice, the author should have relevant qualifications or personal experience in the field.

  • In a guide to eco-friendly living, the author should actively practice and integrate sustainable habits into their lifestyle.

  • When writing about parenting and child-rearing, the author should have hands-on experience as a parent or caregiver.

Can We Consider E.E.A.T. as a Signal for Ranking from Google's End?

In simple terms, no, at least not directly. In the documentation Google has released, they’ve even stated that the fundamental principle will remain the same.

With the advent of E.E.A.T., Google intends to reward excellent content with top ranks and let people know which websites are reliable resources.

How to Demonstrate Experience in Your Content

Now, after the introduction of Google’s latest Search Quality Rater Guidelines, content creators are grappling with the challenge of seamlessly achieving ‘E-Experience’ in their upcoming content pieces.

In this section, we will explore different ways content creators can adopt to add an extra ‘E’ to their content for better ranking.

1. Provide In-depth Explanation

Experience can be demonstrated by covering the respective topic in depth. Creating content that offers a comprehensive and unexplored table of contents can help you showcase your expertise and experience more effectively.

It involves providing a detailed analysis and extensive coverage to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the subject.

2. Add Real experience as an Example

Adding real-life experience as an example in your content is a key strategy to achieve E.E.A.T. It allows you to showcase your practical knowledge and experience through an engaging storyline that not only adds a personal touch but also illustrates how your skills have been applied in real-life situations.

3. Add Previously Written Content

One way of demonstrating your years of experience in your upcoming topic matter is to repurpose your already existing content. In this approach, you can repurpose and refer to the content published in the past related to a particular subject or industry. 

4. Highlight Your Achievements

During your experience, you may have achieved awards, certifications, or appreciation from well-known personalities. In your latest content, you can demonstrate your experience by highlighting these achievements. You can also directly or indirectly state why you have been awarded such honors and share the learning and experiences derived from them.

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